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April CZ ride leaders and weekday rides

Still looking for a couple ride leaders for April. Need to cover Milton on the 13th, Blackman the 20th and Rockvale the 27th. I don't mind leading but y'all are gonna get tired of following me every week.

Weekday rides. I'm gonna lead a Thursday night Miller's ride every week. In the past we've had a CZ ride very Wednesday. If you guys want to continue that I will need someone to step up and take the lead on that one. I cannot be there on Wednesdays due to church. Routes, location and time is completely up to you. If y'all would like to make this ride on Tuesdays instead that's cool to. I can help alot more on Tuesdays as long as we stay on this end (south west) of town.

Re: April CZ ride leaders and weekday rides

I'll take the Blackman lead on the 20th. Are we adding an additional 15 after the original route is done? I would need help on that if we do.

Re: April CZ ride leaders and weekday rides

Yes Brad. I will do the second route. Thank you for your help.

Re: April CZ ride leaders and weekday rides

Hey Mr Biggs! Its good to have you as our CZ ride leader. Your patience will make you a good one! I'll lead (from the rear) the one from Milton but will need help with a route. I didn't find one on Ride With GPS.

Thanks and have a blessed week!

Susan B

Re: April CZ ride leaders and weekday rides

Susan tell me how many mile you want and I will post. Leave from the Milton post office.

Re: April CZ ride leaders and weekday rides

Thanks, Bill!!! Since it's early in the season let's make it 20 miles. ...And I think Biggs wants to add another 15 for the more ambitious CZers. THanks Bill!!!

Susan B

Re: April CZ ride leaders and weekday rides

Susan Here is a 20 with additional 11 mile ride for a total of 31. If not ok just let me know. This starts in milton and goes on Halls Hill Pike twice. No major hills good for CZ ride only traffic could be on Halls Hill but rode it past saturday and no traffic at all.

Re: April CZ ride leaders and weekday rides

Perfect!!! Thanks, Bill!!! Hope to see ya on the trails soon!
