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Thinking about joining but unsure how it works


I just started riding in Octoberr for fitness but have come to really enjoy it. I have a road bike and am having trouble finding people to ride with me since most have mountain bikes. I've been riding the greenway but have finally got to the point I run out of trail. Someone mentioned I should join your club. I looked at your maps and I must say I got intimidated. The farthest distance I've road is 15 miles and my average speed is 12.4 mph. So I'm worried I won't be able to keep up.

Can someone explain a little more about how the club and rides work? Is it to late for me to join? I noticed it said memberships are January-December. Any help is appreciated.


Britney Wilson

Re: Thinking about joining but unsure how it works

Hi Britney! We'd be glad to have you. You don't have to be a member to ride. Come on out sometime and try us. Sounds like you would enjoy the Comfort Zone rides; We're not as fast as the regular club riders. We'll have regular CZ rides posted on this board starting in April for Saturday mornings around 8am and Wednesday nights around 5pm. I started riding a couple years ago with the club, and I really enjoy it. It's a fun way to exercise, enjoy the country scenery, and meet sweet people with varied interests. Plus, there're usually experienced riders on these rides that can help with bike problems such as flats and chains that come off. Come on out sometime!

Susan Barber

Re: Thinking about joining but unsure how it works

Oh that's sounds much better. I would like to get to the point I can hang with the big boys but I'm still a cycling baby. Haha.

Looking forward to it!

Hey Britney! Please remember to bring your helmet...the only thing that's required. Hope to see ya soon on the trails!

Susan B