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Call to Action - Greenways, Blueways, and Bikeways Master Plan

CALL TO ACTION - There's a group of people in our community trying to block this master plan (again) - we need as many people as possible to attend the City Council meeting Thursday night March 7 at 7:00 at the Council offices and let the City Council know how important this master plan is to our community. (I'm out of town and cannot attend) Or contact your Councilman and let them know how you feel about this - thank you!!

first floor of City Hall, 111 West Vine St.

Same group that tried to block this back in May will be there -

Here are the rules for speaking at a City Council meeting:

Thank you for supporting the Greenways, Blueways, and Bikeways Master Plan - it's good for our community!


Do you have more info?

Who is trying to block? What exactly? Why?

What is process for approval - & increasing likelihood of approval?

Re: Do you have more info?

Click on the links above for information about the plan and the city council meeting -

the group trying to block it is the same group that showed up back in May when the first round of hearings were being held over at Patterson Park -

Please plan to attend if you can.

Re: Do you have more info?

I will be there to show support but will not speak because i live in Wilson County. See you tonight.

Important that as many attend as possible!

I just heard from the City Planner - they are concerned about this opposition group - so the more that can attend tonight who are in favor of this plan, the better chance we have of getting this adopted.

here's a vid

Pretty good demonstration of their position.