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Chili Ride Routes

Here's a 21 mile route for the late ride

Here's 39 for the early ride - - I don't know some of these roads, so I'm open to feedback - if this needs modification - please let me know how/where. Or if you have a better route - please please post up - you will NOT hurt my feelings.

I'll provide cue sheets.

See ya'll next week!

Happy New Year!

Re: Chili Ride Routes


How bad do you think highway 231 will be? I was wondering if going on Jefferson Pike for a little way, then turning on Dunaway Chapel would be less problematic. However, even with the high speeds and traffic, if 231 has a wide shoulder, it would be better than JP, which has no shoulder.

I have enjoyed riding on Dodson Chapel and Valley View, Betty Ford.

Thanks for the route; I always enjoy new streets.


Re: Chili Ride Routes

David - I'll check it out before the ride and make adjustments if needed. Thanks so much for the feedback!

Re: Chili Ride Routes

We have used 231 on some of CZ rides in the past. Shoulders are wide in places. We did not have any issues. We usually picked up 231 near the race track and then travel north a mile. You will be riding quite a bit south of where the CZ group has rode.

Bill G.