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Sunday Ride - Dec 30 1:00 p.m.

Roads should be dry and forecast calls for sunshine tomorrow with little to no wind!

Leave from Rockvale at 1:00 to take advantage of the 'warmest' part of the day.

28.7 miles -

Re: Sunday Ride - Dec 30 1:00 p.m.

I might try to do this. Thanks Sarah.

Re: Sunday Ride - Dec 30 1:00 p.m.

Sorry...1pm is just a little early for me...I am going to start at 2pm from my house...346 east main...have fun & be safe...

Re: Sunday Ride - Thanks


Thanks for coming back and checking on me during my embarrassing fall in the puddle. Nothing like being wet with a wind chill in the 30s. It was only a slight sprain to my shoulder, but I worked it out.

Re: Sunday Ride - Thanks

so glad to hear that you are okay Brad! - it was a refreshing ride indeed! See you out there next time!