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Saturday 8:00am Lascassas Baptist Church

Come join us for a pleasant ride in the country! Two options, the longer route has some hills, check out the gps.
65 miles
37 miles

Store stop at mile 23 and mile 51. Rain will likely cancel, please check the website Saturday morning. Print your own cue sheet.

Hope to see you there!
Janet 306-8160

Re: Saturday 8:00am Lascassas Baptist Church

Count me in!

Re: Saturday 8:00am Lascassas Baptist Church

I love it when Janet says "some hills"....yes Virginia, 4000 feet of elevation change includes "some hills". Slovetts are in!

Re: Saturday 8:00am Lascassas Baptist Church

Me too.

Re: Saturday 8:00am Lascassas Baptist Church

Janet...looks like a great route....unfortunately I have other obligations..have fun & be safe!!

Ride is on! Alternative route

Looks like we have couple of hours to ride, let's meet at LBC I'll provide options for a shorter alternative route with many ways to turn back should we get pop-up showers. No one left behind!