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December 12th Night Ride w/ Robin Golden

Just talked to Robin and I am going to put a 27 to 30 mile route together for December the 12th. We will meet at Patterson Baptist at 5:30 or 6 depending on the time that works best for those of you who plan on coming. This WILL be a no drop/attack ride. Purely conversational pace per Robins request. I will post the route in the coming days. Please RSVP here and post the time that will best fit your schedule! Lights and reflective riding gear are a must.

Re: December 12th Night Ride w/ Robin Golden

If you end up with a 6pm start, I will definitely try to make my schedule work. FYI, Wednesday is a service night at PBC.

Re: December 12th Night Ride w/ Robin Golden

I'll make it work as well - but you might consider starting at Rockvale rather than PBC due to church service conflicts.

Re: December 12th Night Ride w/ Robin Golden - START LOCATION CHANGE

The ride will now leave from Rockvale Elementary. Route to be posted this weekend.

Re: December 12th Night Ride w/ Robin Golden

I now have a meeting that night, so I won't make it. Please give my best to Robin.