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Ride and Eat - Saturday, November 17

The November 17 membership eating meeting will be at 11:30 at the First Baptist Church at 200 East Main Street The meeting and meal will be in the Fellowship Hall of the church on E. Vine Street behind the church.

There will be a ride (weather permitting) prior to the meeting – leaving from the parking lot beside the Bank of America at E. Vine and S. Spring Street at 8:00. Here’s a 43 mile route – – I’ll provide cue sheets – no drop. And here’s a 25 mile Comfort Zone route leaving at 9:00. It’s an out and back for those who want less distance and can be adjusted to be even shorter by turning around sooner – – I’ll provide the cue sheets. If someone would like to lead this ride, let me know.

The Club will provide the meat – but we’ll have a good old fashioned pot luck – asking members to bring the sides, dessert, and drinks.

To sign up for the potluck – go here and list what you plan to bring.

This is a rain or shine event – so even if you don’t ride – please plan to join us for food and voting. This is your club and we need you to exercise your voting privilege and elect next year’s leaders. We usually try to fill any open positions from non-attending members…

For questions about the ballot or the ride or the meal – please contact Sarah Lovett at

here's the ballot but we will take additional nominations from the floor:

Murfreesboro Bike Club 2013 Officer Ballot
Office Candidate
President Sarah Lovett
Secretary Janet Frye
Treasurer Denise Hollowell
Ride Director Bob Barkley
Communications Director Steve Lovett

Appointed Positions
(volunteer or be appointed)
Role Volunteer
Statistician Mark Bartleson
Membership Coordinator Open
Web Master Open
Newsletter Editor Open
MTB Coordinator Todd Stanley
CZ Coordinator Jason Biggs
Touring Coordinator Bill Heim
HOT 100 Ride Director Bill Heim
Advocacy & Education Sarah Lovett

Re: Ride and Eat - Saturday, November 17

The meat is pork and turkey BBQ from Whitts. Hopefully that helps with planning the potluck.

Bill G.

Re: Ride and Eat - Saturday, November 17 - CZ route

I updated the CZ route - it went crazy when I clicked the out and back option -this is the actual route for CZ sorry for the confusion.

Re: Ride and Eat - Saturday, November 17

I'll be leading the CZ ride in the morning at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available and no one will be dropped. Thanks Sarah for the route.

It's going to be a nice, sunny day for a ride!