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Re: Dog bite incident- be careful!

I ride St John's all the time. Will be on the lookout at the address listed. We do not need this issue coming up on this/any road in Wilson County. Hope that the police take this as serious as it is.

Re: Dog bite incident- be careful!

There were 3 dogs at the Century farm on the left as you're headed towards Cainsville. The lighter brown middle sized dog did the biting. I doubt he's rabid and no bones were broken. It was a great ride.

Wilson Co Animal Control is supposed to go check the dog out. We won't sue, cry or be upset unless the dog continues to cause problems. The owners are put on notice that the dog bites. Hopefully they will act appropriately.

Tomorrow is another day and the weather is expected to be beautiful. Go ride. Be careful. Keep the rubber side down. Don't bounce off a car. Enjoy.

Re: Dog bite incident- be careful!

I assume that you Junkman were the bitee. Hope that you are doing well. After my meeting today I drove past 2005 St John's road saw no dogs in fact have ridden by this house numerous times and have never even seen a dog. I will in the future be aware of the issue. Hope no stitches were needed. See you on the road.

Re: Dog bite incident- be careful!


Ran past that house last weekend with a lab mix female following me and a benji looking male dog chasing her. When we got to that house a German Shepherd came off the porch to engage the dogs following me. No fight or bites. I'd never seen that dog come off his porch before.

Can't be to careful.