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Sunday 1pm - Rockvale Elementary

Temps should be around 70 degrees on Sunday afternoon! Leaving from Rockvale Elementary at 1pm for a 44 mile ride. With the exception of a partial climb of Whitus, the route includes mostly flat roads. Store stops at mile 22 and mile 40.

I'll be riding at a modest pace -- just looking to enjoy a warm November ride. All paces welcome.

Print your own cue sheets here:
Rockvale 44.4

Re: Sunday 1pm - Rockvale Elementary

Sounds great!

Re: Sunday 1pm - Rockvale Elementary

count me in

Re: Sunday 1pm - Rockvale Elementary

I might try to go, but it depends on how I'm feeling tomorrow after doing the Lock 4 Challenge today. I haven't been getting too many rides in.
Thanks for posting!