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Yukio Birthday ride. Nov 10

Will be doing a ride from Blackman High School starting at 0800. It is a 65 mile route that is pretty flat. I am planning on this being a friendly fun ride that we all stay together. Come one come all should be a good time. Please bring your own cue sheets. Route below it starts at my house but it intersects blaze drive on Brinkley so no big deal.

Re: Yukio Birthday ride. Nov 10

How old is Yukio this year? Saturday is also my birthday.

Re: Yukio Birthday ride. Nov 10

He is turning 11. Since that would not make a long enough ride we did a little multiplication tried for times 6 but came in a little short.

Re: Yukio Birthday ride. Nov 10

6 + 5 = 11

Happy birthday, Yukio!

Re: Yukio Birthday ride. Nov 10

Ted & Yukio...hope to be there!!!

Re: Yukio Birthday ride. Nov 10

Happy birthday Yukio! Sorry, I have a meeting on Saturday. Have a great ride!

Thank you all for coming

Thanks to all for coming out today. Had a great ride with some great people. Thank you Janet for the cup cake. ll of you made the start of Yukio's birthday a great one. See all of you on the road.