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Saturday, Nov 3 Ride - Rockvale Elem 9:00

Steve and I are planning to do 52 miles from Rockvale Elementary Saturday morning - leaving at 9:00 a.m. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day and the winds appear to be letting up a bit -still not perfect, but certainly better than this week has been.

Market at mile 23.

Re: Saturday, Nov 3 Ride - Rockvale Elem 9:00

Sorry...have to miss...grand baby christening this weekend...out of town guests.

Re: Saturday, Nov 3 Ride - Rockvale Elem 9:00

Is this the better late than never 52 mile birthday ride??

Re: Saturday, Nov 3 Ride - Rockvale Elem 9:00

Sorry you'll miss it Dave - but those grandbabies come first! Now that we have one of those, we totally understand!

yes Craig - presents are appreciated... :) Just kidding - riding with you is a gift in and of itself!

Re: Saturday, Nov 3 Ride - Rockvale Elem 9:00

Last soccer game this Saturday, meeting next Saturday, but then I'll be back with y'all on Saturdays starting the 17th. Enjoy the ride!

Re: Saturday, Nov 3 Ride - Rockvale Elem 9:00

I'm in!