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Dave Becker Birthday Ride - Sat. Oct 20 8:00 Rockvale Elem

Dave Becker turns 73 on December 20 - so we're going to celebrate on October 20 with a 72.8 mile ride throughout beautiful Rutherford County. Ready to roll at 8:00 a.m. - route offers markets at mile 24, 40, 56 (lunch at Main Street Cafe), and 69. - If you want less miles, here's a 40 mile route and includes the market at mile 24 - print your own cue sheet for this one.

See you there!

Re: Dave Becker Birthday Ride - Sat. Oct 20 8:00 Rockvale Elem

Great fun as always- thanks ride leader and birthday boy!

Re: Dave Becker Birthday Ride - Sat. Oct 20 8:00 Rockvale Elem

Thanks Sarah for leading the ride and all 20 riders who came out to share in the fun....looking forward to # 74!!!