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Granville Ride

The Granville Touring ride will depart from the Watertown Public Square Saturday Oct. 13 at 9:00 am. An early start will allow time to visit the museums in Granville. Martha has GPSed the route, and I request that a link be posted for those desiring that information. Lunch will be provided by the club as a BBQ picnic at Betty's Island on the banks of the river Caney. Accomodations in Granville are the Carter and Jared Houses operated by Mr. and Mrs. Clemons. We will eat at 6:30 p.m. at the Sutton General Store and enjoy the Ole Time radio show which follows. Lunch on Sunday will be at the Big Rock Market near Center Hill Dam. Georgeanne and Amy will provide tag team logistics and carry the luggage to the south bank of the Cumberland. Nine riders have signed up for this journey. Late comers may find accomodations at Granville Marina 931.653.4360, but you may have to beg for a one night stay since they require two. Call me with any questions 615.692.2793.

Re: Granville Ride

Mike- Wishing the group and you a fun and safe weekend. Hope you will post a report of how it went.

Re: Granville Ride

See everyone at 9:00am looking forward to a great ride. After the Natchez Trace ride looking forward to some short mileage days. Sounds like this will be a great weekend 30% chance of rain on Sunday but should be in the afternoon.

Re: Granville Ride

Here are the routes.

Re: Granville Ride

Martha, thank you for your technical assistance, and I look foward to fun with friends this weekend.