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Saturday Club Ride Oct 6th 7:30am Lascassas Baptist Church

Come out and enjoy some of the finest cycling Middle Tennessee has to offer! This route is an oldie but goodie, it has it all- beautiful countryside, spectacular views and of course lovely climbs.

MAIN ROUTE 57.7 miles- We'll head down to Readyville over some nice rollers which will warm us up, first store stop at Parsley's Market at mile 15.5. Next we'll ride up Burt Burgen and enjoy the great views along the way, a fast descent down Dickens Hill Rd with a sharp left turn onto Doug Hollow takes us up the next climb; we'll enjoy the fall colors on the way up. We're coming back in on Cripple Creek, always a fast road, watch out for the antelope!

If you need another store on the way in take a short detour off route at mile 46.9, turning right on Bivens Hill Rd instead of left, the store is on your left, from the store head out right on Bivens and your back route (no public bathroom).

This is a hilly ride, but not too bad, check out the profile on ridewithgps. I plan to sweep, nobody dropped, I will have my cell phone if anyone needs assistance 306-8160.

Two options:
MAIN ROUTE 57.7 miles

Alternative route 32.7 miles

The forecast for tomorrow morning is calling for a significant chance of rain. As the temps will be a little cool rain will cancel the ride. I will post an update by 6:30am.

Hope to see you there!

Rain Delay Start Time 8:00am- check back for update

It is cool and wet, still a few scattered showers around Lascassas. We'll delay the start 'til 8:00am, check back at 7:00am for an update.

Start Time 8:00am- ride is on

Dress warm!

Re: Start Time 8:00am- ride is on

Hardy souls!


8 hardy souls headed out for a cold, wet ride- Ted & Yukio, Troy, Vergle, Janey, Dave B., Larry K, & Henri. Scott Silvers met them route and then headed out for a loger ride. I must confess for the first time ever I bailed on the ride.

Re: Kudos!

Thanks for the ride Janet--at least we weren't doing Jack and Back! I wouldn't worry about bailing on the ride--you weren't exactly a picture of health! Hope you feel better!