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Wed night CZ ride from LBC 14 mile route. 5:30 pm Sept 26th

Print your own cue sheet. Hot 100 14 mile route.
This is the last wed night ride of the season.
After the ride we will go to the Mexican Restaurant across from Kroger on hwy 96. This is Bobby D's and Juan favorite place to eat. Lets start a tradition of going out to eat on the last ride of the season. Hope everyone will be able to make it to the Mexican Restaurant for supper and drinks

Re: Wed night CZ ride from LBC 14 mile route. 5:30 pm Sept 26th


I'm in Chattanooga Wednesday and if I get back in time, I will be there or maybe meet you all for dinner.

It's been a great CZ ride season and you have done a fantastic job. It's been challenging with the hills of Lascassas but it's made me a stronger rider.

I've looked forward to every Wednesday night ride!

Sara P.