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Celebrate Fall Saturday Sept 15th 7:30am Lascassas Baptist Church

Come out and celebrate fall with lovely climbs and beautiful views! It should be a spectacular day, I can't wait.

MAIN ROUTE 60 miles- We'll head out some of our favorite roads towards Watertown. We'll enjoy the newly paved Goosetree Creek and Clever Creek, beautiful new pavement will ease the steep climb up Clever Creek. From there we'll head up Old Statesville into Watertown wih a store stop at mile 25. We'll leave Watertown and climb Patton Hollow, then head over some rollers into Statesville. We'll climb Greenvale, roll across St John and enjoy the beautiful view from the top of Spain Hill on the way in.

This is a hilly ride, check out the profile on ridewithgps. No sweep, we should have a good turn out so find a buddy to ride with. I will wait for everyone to get in and I will have my cell phone if anyone needs assistance 306-8160.

Two options:
MAIN ROUTE 60 miles

Alternative route 32 miles
Hope to see ya there! " target="_blank">

Hope to see ya there!
" target="_blank"> " target="_blank">

Hope to see ya there!

Re: Alternative Route 32 miles try again

Alternative route 32 miles- No store stop on this route-

Re: Celebrate Fall Saturday Sept 15th 7:30am Lascassas Baptist Church

hey janet, not sure that i want to do 60 and my bicycle computer is broken. Any chance that someone can bring a few of the 32 miile route? steve

Re: Celebrate Fall Saturday Sept 15th 7:30am Lascassas Baptist Church

I'll print a few extra of the 32, np

Cue sheets for both options provided

See ya there!

Re: Cue sheets for both options provided

Thanks Janet, Great ride, good company, awesome scenery!

Re: Celebrate Fall Saturday Sept 15th 7:30am Lascassas Baptist Church

Wow Janet, that was a great ride. Sorry you had to come back for me. I promise that the next time I go on a ride like that I will have a computer. Matter of fact, I just bought a Gamin 705. You guys should have been salesmen! Anyway, thanks for putting it together. Fun times.

Re: Celebrate Fall Saturday Sept 15th 7:30am Lascassas Baptist Church

Thanks to all who came out, great to see everyone! Steve you will love your 705.