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Saturday - Sept 1 ride - Buchanan Elem School - 7:30 start time

54 miles - market at mile 20 only - big climb at mile 28, about 2 miles long with a 6-10% grade. Then another shorter but steeper climb at mile 42 that pops up to >13% grade for a nano-second. It's a beautiful route!

If you want a shorter route - turn left at Big Springs and pick the route back up at Hwy 99. Or do an out-and-back.


Re: Weather Report

Tomorrow mornings weather forecast is not incredibly favorable - I will post by 6:30 a.m. if the ride is on - thunderstorms cancel - light rain, maybe not.

Stay tuned!

Re: Weather Report - No worries!

Radar shows weather way north of us - and we're headed south - so see ya'll at Buchanan!