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Elk river 100

Nee member here, just saying hi. Wondering if anyone is riding on the 8th at the elkriver 100?

Re: Elk river 100

Hi Lance - welcome to MBC! Ros Teal, Paul Alexander, and I are all planning to ride the Elk River ride - and there are several others who are thinking about it. Hope to see you there!


Re: Elk river 100

Hi, I'm a newbie also, but have registered for this one, has anyone ridden this before? how does it compare to hot (other than the profile which I reviewed)? I'm expected to get wet, as I did in Clarksville sat, on Monday on my recovery/training ride, and last nite on my nitely ride.... good luck, eh?

Sat will make 3 century's in 4 weeks for me any my hybrid, with my off week being a ride to bell buckle from almaville - 71 miles.