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helmet laws necessary

Helmet laws in the UK hit the news this week lead by the TdF winner. This NPR story details the controversy.

I'm not one to propose legislating safety of the ignorant. My saying on that issue has always been, "No helmet? No brain."

As a rider who has broken three helmets in crashes (the last one a week ago), I know the value of surviving rather than having to learn to talk and walk again because of head injury. Recovering from a broken hand and ribs again is nothing compared with that.

One more observation: living with one eye is a minor inconvenience, but having only one hand to use sucks big time!

Re: helmet laws necessary

Sorry to hear about your crash.

Hope you have a rapid recovery.

Re: helmet laws necessary

Thanks for the article. Wearing a helmet is just good common sense. Those of us who have ever scratched or cracked one know their value. Especially with the improved comfort and reduced weight it is difficult to find a valid reason to not wear one.

I think intelligent people will wear bicycle and motorcycle helmets, as well as seat belts in the absence of laws. If we force those adults who would not ordinarily take these precautions to do so, we may be affect natural selection and end up with a society like the one in the movie Idiocracy.