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Re: Thank you officers, volunteers, and ride leaders

I too thank those who dedicate their time and efforts to make the club what it is.

Re: Thank you officers, volunteers, and ride leaders

I just want to thank all the officers, volunteers and ride leaders for their work making this bike club the "Cheers" of bicycle clubs for me anyway. I came up from a club in Florida that had 1000 members and it was fun but pretty impersonal. We did about four different routes all year and ran two events and I got to know about four people from that group as friends. I joined here two Octobers ago and everyone got me involved. They coached this Florida flatlander on the significant hills and rollers in the region. I learned all kinds of new routes, worked the HoT 100, enjoyed the food rides, learned where the springs were outside of Woodbury (in case of emergency) and enjoyed the club meetings and parties. The work of the officers and members makes this club special and it rides more often with more interesting routes than my old FL club did. People have helped me with flats and mechanicals during rides and even had ibuprofen for my first Tennessee crash. Everyone contributes to the club rides and that is to the credit of the officers and the friendliness of the members. Great job, all of you!

Re: Thank you officers, volunteers, and ride leaders

Enough cannot be said for all the Officers,Volunteers,& Ride Leaders do for all of us all year long!!! I have been a member since 1999 & I consider all of you my 2nd family.You ALL are the best!!

Re: Thank you officers, volunteers, and ride leaders

Amen, great group of hard working people - I appreciate everyone!