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Keith W. & Junkman


You are wound up tighter than a seven day clock. The directory suggestion in no way conflicts with club calendar rides.

Running for office? One should be a member and have a passion for riding a bike. I don't.


My father had little tolerance for BS. Unfortunately, I am my father's son.

Safe rides to you all.


George, It's your attitude and tone

have a nice day. Apparently I am doing a poor job of communicating - or perhaps talking to a wall. It matters not.

Guys, guys, guys...

Calm down. I know all of you and you're all very sweet people. I think the problem is a communication one, or lack thereof. It's very hard to express yourself accurately in a letter because so much communication is nonverbal. Just my 2c.

Have a blessed day and don't get yourself all worked up. It's not worth it. Just let thangs go in one ear and out the other. You'll live longer and friendships are worth keeping.

Susan B