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Jack and Back Team

I am not posting another ride option for October 6 and 7th, but just in case you were considering riding the Jack and Back this Year (75 mile ride from Franklin to Lynchburg)

It's Not Too Late!
Register Now for $25 Simply use the code: FRIENDS12. (code will expire at 8am on August 7th).

This year they are offering a one day ride option! There are two options: cyclist provides own transportation OR bus provided transportation ( increased registration fee).There will be a bus leaving Motlow State Community College at 4:00pm to take cyclists back to Page High School.

Thanks for all your help over the years,
We look forward to seeing you on the road and if you are up to the challenge - join us this year!
Help Our Team in the Fight Against MS!

If you have any questions about the ride or our team, please call me or email

Craig Bernhoft
Use the web link to view the team page for URSLOWRIDERS
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Re: Jack and Back Team

I would love to ride on your team in the J&B. I have ridden every year since 95. I could not get the discount code to work. Any ideas?
