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Aug. Words from the Prez.....

".....You may post “off calendar rides” on the Murfreesboro Bike Club facebook page or you may network with fellow club members via word of mouth for “off calendar rides”."


Some people do not do facebook. That leaves those who wish to ride the non-club counting miles, your "network" solution. This is where a member directory comes in handy. With 154 members it would make networking easier. The one or two that don't want it would not have to participate.

This would clean up the message board for only posted calendar club rides.

Is anybody happy?


Oh, what's the problem with posting the club rides on the website at the first of the month? Some of us like to print it off. Easier than trying to keep up with the newsletter email.

Re: Aug. Words from the Prez.....


As an officer of this club I am glad to read that you are eager to make some changes. I'd like to remind you my post as Ride Director will be vacated at the end of this year.
I am confident in stating the other officers would welcome your nomination as the 2013 Ride Director so that you can make the changes you so desire!


Ranting, asserting that things "should" be a certain way, ******** & moaning etc will entice some, perhaps many, to resist simply because of your tone.

Continue on your current tack if you want. It reminds me of when my 10 year old wants something and asks using the exact opposite methodology of what may work.

FYI, I'm not an officer so am not speaking for them. I do expect that they are censoring some blunter, more direct responses but that is a topic better taken up in person - with them.

Re: Hilarious

I believe i have not met you yet. Which ride do you usually show up? Come join us on one of my rides.

Google Groups

Here is the link for Google Groups. It's a great, free way, to network with others of similar interest. I suggest that you set one up for off calendar rides and ask people to let you know if they want to be included. It's free and it's not facebook.!overview

Re: Aug. Words from the Prez.....

I do have one question. If I am looking for a ride partner on a club ride day, can i post a message seeking the partner? For example I would make a request for the day and time and include my email address? is this scenario against club rules?

On a side note, I'm not sure I want my phone number published in a member directory. I use my cell phone as a home phone and try to be judicious with our minutes.


Re: Aug. Words from the Prez.....

Lets bring all this up at the Sept club meeting where we can openly discuss the issues and see what the CLUB as a whole wants. Important thing have FUN and RIDE SAFE. See everyone on the road.
Bill Heim

Re: Aug. Words from the Prez.....

George, I'm afraid that I am the problem with getting first of the month rides updated on the site. I've been meaning to do it and just have let it slip my mind since I got the newsletter out. Thank goodness the ride leaders posted details about this Saturday's rides.

As soon as I post this email, I'm going to upload the August ride calendar so that will be available and I'll update the rides on the web site tomorrow.

As for the suggestion to post members' contact information, we have thought of that before, and informal polling of the members have led us to believe that there are a significant number who don't want their contact information posted on a public web site. It might be different if it was members only, but it's not. Why not? The current website architecture does not have that capability. Which all leads back to my failings to re-architect the site. Hmmm. Maybe I am the source of all your prolems...

Finally, it is my belief, and only a belief since I don't Facebook either, that one can get a Facebook account and check out and post in a group without swallowing the whole Facebook kool-aid pitcher. Before you ask all of us to change something we have been doing for years, maybe you could consider changing one thing that you don't do that would give you the ability to do something you apparently so greatly desire. Just a thought.

And really finally, if you want to print off the rides, open the newsletter with the pdf reader, go to the ride calendar page and print it. You can print that one page; you don't have to print the entire newsletter. You're having to dig pretty deep for that complaint.

I think you need to ride more. It will improve your disposition. :)

Hope to see you at a ride soon.