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Thursday night ride from Miller's 7/26

27 miles including Whitus. I think we did this a few weeks back but I must have missed it because I haven't been up Whitus all seaon. I'm pretty sure it's all downhill other than that. Oh, and with a tailwind too...

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Re: Thursday night ride from Miller's 7/26

Is Whitus worse than Lynch?

Re: Thursday night ride from Miller's 7/26

Not at all. Whitus might be a bit longer, but not nearly as steep. At it's steepest - Whitus is right at a 6% grade (according to Lynch pops up to almost 12% at it's steepest. I saw you on Lynch - you'll do just fine on Whitus - just gear down and spin.

Re: Thursday night ride from Miller's 7/26

Thanks Sara for the support! Looking forward to a little break in the upgrade! see you there!