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CZ Ride this Wednesday

Comfort Zone ride this Wednesday, June 20 from Lascassas Baptist Church on Highway 96. Leave promptly at 5:30 pm.

All levels of riders are welcomed. It's a 22 mile route, but a shorter option will be available.

For more information, call me at 615.714.3610.

Re: CZ Ride this Wednesday

Thanks Sara for taking the CZ ride for me. I have one day next month that I will be doing the Senior Olympics that I need someone to lead the CZ ride. July 14th Saturday I will be doing the Bike 5k time trail in the Tn Senior Olympics. Can you do the CZ ride for that day.
I will be doing all the other days myself.
Thanks Bill

Re: CZ Ride this Wednesday

Geez ...I wish I could, but I have other plans for that day.