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Bikes and Horses on the Lascassas roads

I've a friend who used to ride her horses on the Lascassas roads. She says we come up from behind and scare her horses so she doesn't ride on the roads anymore. Please give a warning shout when you come up on some horse riders so we don't scare them. We want to be sweet and safe!

Re: Bikes and Horses on the Lascassas roads

I know many of us don't know how to best approach horses. I think most of us slow down, but don't know what else to do. Maybe you can ask her for specific advice on how we should handle it. I'm not sure if a literal shout is appropriate vs. normal level talking, etc.

Re: Bikes and Horses on the Lascassas roads

She said to give a "Heads Up!" on approach. On the Greenway I'll holler "On your left!" as I approach walkers and it startles them; however, if I wait till I'm beside them it really spooks them. I'd think whatever kind of warning you give would be appreciated.

Re: Bikes and Horses on the Lascassas roads

It would be good to have more input. Some horses spook easier than others. Some riders take their horses out on busy roads so the horses will get used to various scenarios.

There are horses on Overall. They become skittish regardless of our speed, regardless of whether they are on the road or in the pasture - even when they see us. We slow down (location is also on a hill so slow is natural) & the riders work to control the horses.

Let us know if there is something specific.

Re: Bikes and Horses on the Lascassas roads

In my experience it's best to dismount and allow the horses and riders to move on until we are out of view. Something about a bicycle spooks horses.

Re: Bikes and Horses on the Lascassas roads

This might also be a food discussion for the Facebook group. Also ask your friend what is the best strategy for being chased by a horse with no rider?

Re: Bikes and Horses on the Lascassas roads

My wife who is a horse person said the best thing for bicyclist to do is let the horse rider know that you are there about 4-5 car lengths ahead and move to the other side of the lane.