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Sunday ride 6-17 ( Time and place change)

Forgot it's Fathers day. I'm going to change the the start time and place. We will start at 0700 and meet at Blackman HS instead. The route will be 20+ and flat. This should give our Dads plenty of time to celebrate Fathers day. No one will be dropped

Re: Sunday ride 6-17 ( Time and place change)

23 flat miles. Recovery pace no one will be dropped. Posted the route on FB. Ride with GPS (Blackman flat route)

Re: Sunday ride 6-17 ( Time and place change)

Will you plz post a link to the Sunday ride on this thread, Izzy? I dont do FB so cant see the route. Thanks!

Re: Sunday ride 6-17 ( Time and place change)

me too. Please post route on this thread. See you in the morning! Thanks, Joe

Re: Sunday ride 6-17 ( Time and place change)

I'd like to see it too. Couldn't find it on FB.

Sunday 6-17: Blackman Flat Route on RideWithGPS

The Route

Re: Sunday 6-17: Blackman Flat Route on RideWithGPS

Thanks for posting the route. Did not have time last night