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Thursday June 14 Ride from Miller's.... and birthday party!

26 pretty flat miles with some new roads - at least for Thursday night.

After the ride, around 7:30, some of us will be getting together at Toot's on Hwy 231 to celebrate our sexagenarian June birthdays. There are at least three of us that will be (or already are) 64 and several others at other 6x ages.

It's dutch but everyone is invited. Come help us find something to celebrate about being this old!

Re: Thursday June 14 Ride from Miller's.... and birthday party!

....and I will still love him when he's 64!

Re: Thursday June 14 Ride from Miller's.... and birthday party!

That is so sweet. You guy's are an inspiration to all. Keep on trucking

Re: Thursday June 14 Ride from Miller's.... and birthday party!

I'm in and got my first Medicare prescription today.

Re: Thursday June 14 Ride from Miller's.... and birthday party!

Yippeee.... Us Young ones will be there to celebrate too!

Re: Thursday June 14 Ride from Miller's.... and birthday party!

Best day to celebrate june 14 Steve is my birthday, I will be there.
Happy Birthday to all 6xages

Re: Thursday June 14 Ride from Miller's.... and birthday party!

I, too, am a sexa kind of guy and will see you at the ride AND the party! Yeah Yeah !!

Re: Thursday June 14 Ride from Miller's.... and birthday party! are all babies...happy BD to all...sorry I can not make it...we are celebrating our youngest(35) BD with dinner at Demos(her choice)...I got 30 in this am...have FUN!!!