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Re: Thanks Mark!


Re: Thanks Mark!


Re: Thanks Mark!


Re: Thanks Mark!


Re: Thanks Mark!


Re: Thanks Mark!


Re: 1 Minute to Protect Cycling - DONE MARK!

Re: 1 Minute to Protect Cycling - Thanks

Done. How many more members can we get to participate? Please respond if you sign the petition. Good to see so many of you taking action.

did it yesterday

Thank you for taking the time to contact my office regarding the Cardin-Cochran amendment to the highway bill. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.

As you know, the Senate recently passed a two-year federal highway reauthorization bill and you will be pleased to know that the Cardin-Cochran amendment, which ensures dedicated transportation enhancement funding is available to local communities, was incorporated into the bill. I have been calling for a long-term highway bill since I came to the Senate and I strongly believe that investing in our nation's infrastructure is a key element to economic growth. However, I also believe that one of the most important challenges facing our country at the moment is finding a way to responsibly grow our economy while simultaneously reducing our national debt. As my attached op-ed from the Washington Post describes, I feel this highway bill moves us away from meeting that challenge.

This highway bill authorizes $109 billion in spending over the next two years but uses budget gimmicks to pay for it over ten years, violating the spending limits in place for this year. Since 2008, Congress has transferred a total of $35 billion from general federal revenues to pay for highway spending that exceeds Federal Highway Trust Fund revenues, which contributes to the deficit. I offered two alternatives to offset the deficit impact of this legislation. Both amendments were defeated, so I voted against the bill.

I would like nothing more than to see Congress pass a highway bill that responsibly invests in the safety and stability of our nation's infrastructure by ensuring that we either spend only what the trust fund takes in each year or fully offset any additional spending on a current basis, as my amendments would have required us to do. I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that Congress passes legislation that lives up to the promises made to the American people and protects the prosperity of our nation for generations to come.

Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me as I serve you in the United States Senate.


Bob Corker
United States Senator

Re: did it yesterday


Re: 1 Minute to Protect Cycling

Thanks for the heads up Mark - Done!

Re: 1 Minute to Protect Cycling


Re: 1 Minute to Protect Cycling
