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Tue Sharpsville 26-28 mi

L Halls Hill
L Guy James
R Brown's Mill
L Overall
L Given
X LasCassas Pk
S Bradley Creek
L Weatherly

Short Cut: (before Weatherly)
L 12 Corners
R Oregon
Straight Charles Smith

Back on-route

L Oregon
R Charles Smith
L Dillon
X Cainsville
S St John
L Spain Hill
R Barlow
R Jefferson Pike
L Old Hwy 96
X LasCassas Pike
S Brown's Mill
R Guy James
L Halls Hill

Re: Tue Sharpsville 26-28 mi

Here is the GPS for this ride..

Anyone interested in a shorter version

I would like to ride here but I don't think I can do 28 miles and get in before dark. There is an optimal place to cut across at 11+ miles. This would cut the route to 22 miles and skip Spain Hill. Anyone interested in riding this shorter version of the route?

Re: Anyone interested in a shorter version

What would the elevations be with the cutoff?

Re: Anyone interested in a shorter version

Here's the proposed route. Its just over 1000 feet of elevation change across 22.7 miles. I tend to average about 14 MPH.

Sharpsville 22.7