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Cindy Johnson Update...Wed. May 9th

The following from an email from hiking friends:

I spoke with Cindy's mother this afternoon (Wednesday). She said that Cindy is awake now and follows people around the room with her eyes. The doctors took her off the ventilator this afternoon so she is able to breathe on her own. She is not talking, but that may be due to swelling and soreness of her throat from the ventilator. There is still no way to know what the long term outlook will be.

Please sent this out to the distribution list. Thank you.


Our thoughts and prayers appear to be working for Cindy...

Thank you, George

Thanks, George, for the update

Praise the LORD for her improvement!

Re: Thanks, George, for the update

Great news! I am continuing to pray for her.

Re: Cindy Johnson Update...Wed. May 9th

Thanks for the update.