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Sat 5/05 Parsley's Market 8:30 53mi or 31mi

Kellee is getting the gps data together.

Ride leaves Parsley,s Market on the corner of Hwy 64 and John Bragg (70S) at 8:30.

Park to the left of the diesel pumps.

Long ride is ~ 53mi
Store approx mile 34 (Beech Grove) and perhaps at mi 21 (Hoodoo).

Short is ~31 mi. Stores at 27 mi and 29 mi (Russells).

Routes stay together until mi 10.

Re: Sat 5/05 GPS link

Here are the links for the Long Route GPS

Long Route 53.8

Short Route 32.3

Cue sheets are available on ridewithgps. Print your own or pick on up at sign in.

Re: Sat 5/05 GPS link

Bob, thanks for the routes.
Kellee, thanks for the gpx's.

Anyone want to change to after the rain? Edit: moved to 1:00

Looks like rain will be gone by 12:00. Anyone want to ride at 1:00?

Edit: At least 2 are riding the long route leaving Parsley's at 1:00. Join us if you want.

Update - 1:00 3 distance options

Leaving Parsley's at 1:00. Starting so late would have us out too long but we want more miles than the short route. We're planning to ride the short route and add at the end.

All 3 routes will be available.

Re: Update - 1:00 3 distance options

slovetts will be there.