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Re: DNJ Letter

For those not following the comments on the online edition of this letter to the editor, Miss Christa Parker, class of 2009 now claims that the DNJ changed her letter and did not ask her permission. And she knows this to be true because our good Sheriff Arnold told her that they do it to him all the time,. i.e. Change what he says to make him look stupid. Really? Oi vey!

As someone else posted. If paying a yearly fee to ride my bike will change public perception, then I will gladly pony up the money. This argument is so tiresome.

This appears to be another case of casual bike riders on the tour de fun being blamed for all bad cyclists in the history of the world . I know you have all heard of these cyclists....the ones who NEVER obey the laws, run traffic lights, ride against traffic, never stop and stop signs in town and are a nuisance in general.

It makes my head hurt.