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Re: DNJ Letter

I hope MBC members flood the DNJ with letters!

Hi Kay! We miss you!

Hey Kay! I've missed seeing you at the rides. You and Sara P were my sweet cheerleaders when I first rode with the club last year and having a very hard time finishing my first ride. That meant a lot to me! I was huffing and puffing! I hope you're doing well and I hope to see you soon!

Love ya!
Susan B

Re: DNJ Letter

the DNJ Facebook page has been flooded with comments by cyclist. Some good - some, not so much.

There's nothing else for me to add to this tired old arguement.

Perhaps it's time for me to retire.

Re: DNJ Letter
Re: DNJ Letter

For clarification,from your perspective who might be trolling?

The poor driver apparently thinks her agenda is more important than the "hundreds of people ....coming out of twin oaks." Imagine the traffic jam had it been cars instead of bicycles. Besides, it was probably a parade since there was a police escort. Or perhaps just some crazy collidgge kids riding their bikes last week going to eat, play & listen to the music.

Re: DNJ Letter

Cars are on the road 365 per year. Current Rutherford registration is $75, or $.20 per day. I am on the road 2-3 days per week riding for 9 months of the year, which by equal rate would be $20.50 per year. I will gladly pay 20 bucks a year to never have this argument again. How long did poor, poor christa parker, MTSU class of 2009, wait for 30 riders to go by? 5 whole minutes?

Re: DNJ Letter

Being caught in a traffic jam due to a sporting or entertainment event is Ok, but being held up for a few minutes by bicyclists is not? Maybe I'm not listening, but I can't recall talk of banning sporting or entertainment events because of the trafffic flow problems they cause.

I wouldn't presume to know the mind of the motoring public (of which I am a member), but I'd like to believe that most realize that bicycling is a most pleasant, relaxing, healthful, and sane means of recreational and/or general transportation that does no meaningful damage to roads, does not spew toxic fumes, nor burns fossil fuel. I'd like to think that, upon seeing bicyclists, that they sometimes think to themselves, "gee, I'd really like to be doing that myself."

The inhumanity of Ms Parker's point of view is deeply disturbing. Parents, do you realize that Ms. Parker is inviting motorists to hit and kill your children as they ride their bicycles on neighborhood streets!! Not only that, it's the children's fault for being there. Never mind that many neighborhoods have no sidewalks where they can ride.

As long as we're talking about wheeled conveyances, should baby strollers be taxed, banned, or subject to being run over with impunity as well? To take Ms. Parker's disturbing reasoning one step further, vehicular homicide should not be a crime.

One can only hope that this I-me-mine, get-out-of-MY-way world that Ms. Parker mindlessly advocates does not come to be.

Re: DNJ Letter

For those not following the comments on the online edition of this letter to the editor, Miss Christa Parker, class of 2009 now claims that the DNJ changed her letter and did not ask her permission. And she knows this to be true because our good Sheriff Arnold told her that they do it to him all the time,. i.e. Change what he says to make him look stupid. Really? Oi vey!

As someone else posted. If paying a yearly fee to ride my bike will change public perception, then I will gladly pony up the money. This argument is so tiresome.

This appears to be another case of casual bike riders on the tour de fun being blamed for all bad cyclists in the history of the world . I know you have all heard of these cyclists....the ones who NEVER obey the laws, run traffic lights, ride against traffic, never stop and stop signs in town and are a nuisance in general.

It makes my head hurt.