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Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

Here's the route, no sweep, but will make sure every one is back. Will have que sheets. 24.8 miles.

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

My plan is to ride - and I'll sweep!

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

Looks like I may not be able to make the ride ,so if someone else can lead please let me know. 403-0570

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

Ted will lead the ride, Thank you Ted.

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

Somebody needs to do a sunshine dance and get the rain out of here!! Not looking forward to Newman/Windrow. If it rains, at least I can say I didn't chicken out.

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

stuck in meeting probably not going to make it ugh...

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

55 degrees with a light mist. Thanks but no thanks. I'll just stay home and run on the treadmill. Then sit on the couch and eat chocolate.

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

Ill try to make it!

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

Not sure if I am going to ride but I will be there to sign up anyone. If the roads are dry then I might ride

Re: Tuesday Patterson Baptist Church 5:30

Raining at the church. So with the Roads being
wet and it still raining this ride is called for weather