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Saturday 4/13 Christiana Elementary 8am

Come join us for a beautiful bike ride this Saturday! We'll head over to Big Springs, up Burks Hollow, down a nice descent into Beech Grove with a store stop at mile 30. Two options after Beech Grove, you can either head back to the car or take a longer route to Bell Buckle by way of Lynch. On the main route there is a store stop in Bell Buckle if you need it.

Main route 59 miles:

Optional route 46 miles- no Lynch, no second store stop:

We have ridden this route before, several lovely climbs, great views, no new rodes. No sweep, I will wait in the parking lot until everyone is in. Janet 306-8160

Re: Saturday 4/13 Christiana Elementary 8am - 46 mile route

Who will be doing the 46 mile route? I can do it, just don't want to ride it alone. Thanks!

Oops! Saturday 4/14 Christiana Elementary 8am

Correction- Saturday is the 14th, not the 13th, I'm guessing nobody showed up this morning anyway...
I plan to ride the 59 at a moderate pace. I will not leave the parking lot until everyone is in.
The 59 and the 46 turn on Elam Rd at mile 4.9. Although we ride this stretch of rode a lot and I have not had problems there has been mention of water and gravel on the message board, not sure where on Elam this is a problem. I will drive the part of Elam that we are riding tonight just to be sure and I will post an update.
I believe Bill Heim will post the Comfort Zone ride after he has decided on a route- thanks Bill!

Re: Oops! Saturday 4/14 Christiana Elementary 8am

I am thinking I will do the 54 ride at a very moderate pace. I do not mind bringing up the end. This route is very similar to the Tour de boro ride next weekend.

Re: Saturday 4/13 Christiana Elementary 8am - 46 mile route

Dorothy, I'll probably be riding the 46 at a relaxed pace.

Re: Saturday 4/13 Christiana Elementary 8am - 46 mile route

Great Mike...see you there.

Re: Saturday 4/13 Christiana Elementary 8am - 46 mile route

Lost your best riding buddy, aye b@#$%. Still could kick your a$$, crazy, cancer and all.

Re: Saturday 4/13 Christiana Elementary 8am

I live very close to Elam Rd, can I just meet up with you guys at mile 6 where you turn from Elam Rd onto W Gum Rd? That way I could just leave the car at home.

Re: Saturday 4/13 Christiana Elementary 8am

That's fine. Pick us up wherever.