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Hit an automobile vehicle that is on the road in front of you & you pay for damages. Hit a cycling vehicle & you exclaim "oops didn't see it" & go on your merry way???

Re: WTF!!

I agree. You would be held responsible for the vehicle in front of you even if you rear-ended it due to being blinded by the sun! I realize accidents happen and sometimes they are caused by sun glare but you are still responsible for your vehicle, correct?

More Investigation

I have asked the investigative reporter, Dennis Farrier, w/ WSMV, to explore further. He's been a true champion for cyclists. I'll keep you informed as I hear other information.

I've also involved Bike Walk TN who are very good a putting pressure on THP and DA's in cases like this.

Stay tuned.

Re: I don't buy it

I have to say that I have a problem with this entire situation. Mostly because if they had been walking down the road the driver would be in jail waiting for a trial. Also did anyone see the damage to the front of that van? She must have been moving quite fast for that amount of damage to happen. I think they need to look a little closer into this because if this continues I either need to up my life insurance or quit riding.