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Don Holder update

Patricia called and asked me to tell everyone how much they have enjoyed the fruit basket and appreciated the phone calls and visits from the club. She also asked me to give the club an update on Don's recovery.

Don will remain at Baptist rehab 28 days and then will be transferred to a facility in Murfreesboro for another month or two. He's in good spirits. He still has a lot of inflammation but that is normal and will take some time to subside. He has had a recent setback with a blood clod in his leg.

He does have more movement in his arms and his legs. His fine motor skills aren't there yet, he requires help eating and brushing his teeth and those sorts of things.

Patricia and Don are such sweet souls, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Re: Don Holder update

Thank you for the update Janey. We are still praying!

Don Holder update - 04-06-12

Per Patricia,
Don has a good attitude & is working hard in rehab. The big issues are spinal chord injury, swelling & blood clots.

Doc said he'll likely have a good outcome on recovery. Recovery will take a while & he'll have to work but he'll get there.

Patricia said they're curently in good shape & don't need anything from us (now) except prayers & well wishes.

Re: Don Holder update - 04-06-12

Thank you for the update. We continue to pray for him. His prognosis is very good news! Praise the LORD!
