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Grating Missing - Vetrans Pkwy - M'boro

Riding from Hwy 96 towards Hwy 99, Salem Road, on Vetrans Pkwy I noticed several of the drain grate covers missing. The holes are large enough to swallow a front wheel and make the rest of the day miserable. Careful.

Re: Grating Missing - Vetrans Pkwy - M'boro

This seems to be the new "copper" steeling. It's happening all over Tennessee and in Oklahoma where my brother lives... They pull them and sell them to scrap iron places... If they would ticket the businesses that buy the grates, the source for easy money would dry up for the thieves.

Re: Grating Missing - Vetrans Pkwy - M'boro

Thanks for the heads up - I've alerted the City Engineer's office. I'll let you know what they have to say about it.

Re: Grating Missing - Vetrans Pkwy - M'boro

The story of the thefts is in the DNJ online for Saturday under "Police Reports"