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Saturday Ride - Christiana Elementary - 8AM

Two routes tomorrow. The short is a 46 miler that heads over Buchanan way to Big Springs and up Burkes Hollow - the climb should warm us up - down to Beech Grove and back to the school. The long is 59 miles and stays with the shorter one through Beech Grove but turns on Lynch and goes through Bell Buckle before heading back. NOTE: The first (and only market for the short ride) is about mile 29, so prepare accordingly.
It's going to be 40 degress at 8AM but it is also going to be sunny and calm - and stay that way. A beautiful day. Wear layers and expect to peel.
oh yeah, the routes:

Re: Saturday Ride - Christiana Elementary - 8AM

Great route Steve!

Re: Saturday Ride - Christiana Elementary - 8AM

Thanks Paul.
I can't believe so many people were scared away by a little early morning cool weather.