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Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

This is the final Wednesday CZ ride of the 2011 season. Due to limited daylight hours the route will be only 15 miles. If you have blinky lights bring and use them. I will post the route later tonight.

Please be ready to ride at 5:30PM. We should be able to make it back before it get dark. Pleae note that our pace may be a little bit over the typical CZ pace to make sure we're back with daylight to spare.

Bill G.

Re: Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center
Re: Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

did you mean

Re: Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

Yes, I did. It had the link last night. I must have deleted a bracket on the link.

Re: Wednesday CZ Ride - 5:30PM - Rockvale Community Center

Clouds are moving in but no rain within 300-400 miles. See you at 5:30PM.