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From Gran Fondo

The Gran Fondo gran fondo - YES, it's back. Once again we are hosting the gran fondo. Hopefully you were with us last year for our trial event and you know just how fun this ride is. We have done several things to take the ride to the next level - we have hired Start2Finish to professionally time and run the event, providing the ability to offer recognition in age brackets (men and women), tandem and team categories. Register now for the Sunday, October 9th event. Follow this link to the Gran Fondo gran fondo website page:

They also have a killer SALE coming up.

Super Big Crazy Tent Sale - Baby, we aren't messing around with this one. We are cleaning out while everyone is still riding and ready to buy! Shoes at 50% OFF * All 2011 Bikes are at least 20% OFF * Don't miss this one - we don't do a lot of this...