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CZ Ride Tomorrow

Comfort Zone ride tomorrow at 5:30 pm from the Rockvale Community Center. Easy 20 mile route and we will take lots of water breaks. Questions? Call me at 714-3610.

Re: CZ Ride Tomorrow

Just it safe to post phone numbers on internet? do the spammers scan these messages for phone numbers? dunno...just a thought...

Re: CZ Ride Tomorrow

Don't know about that. My phone is turned off when I'm at work and if no one leaves a message or I don't recognize the number = I don't bother to call them back. I will call you back if you leave a message. Always!

Re: CZ Ride Tomorrow

Susan B - my phone number is all over this webpage and message board and has been for years and to date, I've had no issues with abuse.

Re: CZ Ride Tomorrow

Sarah, you haven't had any problems yet just because I haven't decided to bug you yet.