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Sunday ride at 3:00 --What to do?

The heat index is 108.... even the Army quits everything at 105.... I will be here with cue sheets, my cell # and water. I will probably go out and ride the route in the truck but I AM NOT RIDING IN THIS HEAT! Should we cancel due to extreme heat... I do not want anyone dying on my watch!

Re: Sunday ride at 3:00 --What to do?

I'm with you, Dorothy Back There. It's waaay too hot for me too!!!

Re: Sunday ride at 3:00 --What to do?

I think you hit the nail on the head. I don't mind being ride leader. But when it's stupid hot out there, I worry about everyone's safety. I always feel like I am responsible for making sure everyone is safe.

Maybe in the months of July and August we should have a agnostic recovery ride that starts at 7:00 AM. Just a suggestion.

Re: Sunday ride at 3:00 --What to do?

Thanks for the nice route, the cloud cover held the sun at bay enough to make it. Water stop at Patterson Church kept everyone hydrated.

Re: Sunday ride at 3:00 --What to do?

I am glad you all made it. Good visit with Lynn Odom and Henry after the ride.... you guys still have a cold one when you want it!!