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Re: Rider hit this morning

Sarah L
The officer on the Rutherford County Bicycle Safety Committee has been all over this for us.

Driver of the truck that called in the accident was not who hit the cyclist, but he did get the tag number of the offending truck.

Driver of the truck that hit the cyclist had crossed the yellow line and hit the cyclist - got out of his truck to pick up the parts knocked off, got back into his truck and drove to work - leaving the cyclist in the road unconscious.

Driver of truck has been arrested and charged with hit and run (a felony) failure to render aid, and failure to maintain lane (another felony).

No information on the cyclists other than his injuries were not life threatening, but he was transported to MTMC.

If I hear anything differently, I will let you know.

be careful out there!

I'm doing very well considering what could have happened. I received severe gashes in my left leg and severe trauma to my left shoulder. I also suffered a mild concussion. I remember seeing the truck, avoiding the front bumper and being hit by the fender and mirror. I was partially conscious when I looked back to get his tag number. He stopped then sped away. While laying in the ditch, another vehicle stopped long enough for me to say I was okay and I apparently told him to go chase down the truck. I don't remember that but he was able to get the tag. I latter spoke to the THP Officer and turned out I knew her. She is an avid bicyclist and took my accident very serious. She tracked down the truck and arrested the guy in a few hours. Bike is at MOAB getting assessed.

Re: Rider hit this morning

Thank you for posting. And glad to hear you are going to be okay. Please let us know if we can do anything for you.

heal quickly!


Re: Rider hit this morning

Recover well Todd.

Re: Rider hit this morning

Well Todd I am sure glad that you are doing as well as can be expected for a run in with a truck. Keep us posted on your recovery and what happens with the driver of the truck. Is there anything that we as a club can do to make sure the driver of the truck gets the maximum sentence as allowed by law.