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Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Since we only finished half this route before it rained the last time I lead this ride, we will do the same route. Learning to descend safely is important.

Nice flat 22 mile route with a long descent on Whitus Road. If it's not too hot, at the bottom of Whitus, we can have a little climbing lesson.

See you all at Rockvale. Rain will cancel the ride. Although that's highly unlikely. Please hydrate tomorrow before the ride. And if you don't want to deal with my whining about how hot it is...bring ear plugs. (kidding)


Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Just trying to get an idea of who is planning on riding tonight. If you plan on coming please chime in.

If you are, please, please, please hydrate during the day and bring two bottles of water with you tonight. Make sure you are fueled too. Eat a little something around 2 hours before.

it's going to be hot. Heat index of 103 about 5:30 PM.

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Hi Kellee!

I think I'll pass for tonight; its waaay too hot for me. I appreciate your telling us about shifting on hills and flats the last time you rode with us. Its helped me a lot to get higer mph on rides. Plus, it feels more efficient. Sorry to miss tonight. Have a good one!


Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

I won't be able to ride tonight anyway. It's hot, but I rode on the greenway last night and it wasn't bad. It's your call though.

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

My thermometer here at the house says the heat index right now is 111 degrees. Uh. Sorry guys. I just can't do that. It's not smart. Do you know how to get in touch with Edie and George?

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

I'm passing on tonight. This old man is staying out of the heat.

Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride is loaded up.
See 'ya there.


Re: Wednesday 5:30 CZ ride

Edie McFarlin is planning to come. Sorry to miss a chance to ride with you George!