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Meals for Mark B

Thank you for being willing to help out our friends Mark and Lisa. If you will click on the link above you can see when meals are needed, how to coordinate delivery, and food preferences.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

If you want to help but just can't get to Brentwood - call Kellee Inskeep - she has offered to deliver meals for us - 615-631-8224.

Re: Meals for Mark B

Kellee - can you come by or ride the CZ ride on Wednesday? I can have something and maybe some other riders could contribute. If not, call me at 714-3610.

Re: Meals for Mark B

I'm leading the CZ ride on Wednesday.

Re: Meals for Mark B

If you need me to take a meal over for you, please call my cell or email me one day in advance so we can coordinate trips to Brentwood. My email is Sarah posted my cell.

Looks like the next week is covered. This is a great tool. Thanks so much for setting it up Sarah.