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MIni-Tour Report

The Henry Horton mini-tour was a success. Those that went enjoyed the rides each day, the food, the fellowship and all that one of our wonderful State Parks had to offer.
The consensus is we need to do more of these.
A fun time was had by all- and oh yes- what happens on a mini-tour stays on a mini-tour.
Thanks to all that went for making my weekend so enjoyable!


Re: MIni-Tour Report

It was a great trip. Thanks, Cary. Don't want to talk about your honeymoon suite, huh?

Whenever I go to a state park, I'm reminded of what wonderful resources they are and that I don't take advantage of them often enough.

Re: MIni-Tour Report

Let's do it again! Let's do it again!!

Re: MIni-Tour Report

Again, Great time, great fellowship. I'm in and ready for the next one.

Re: MIni-Tour Report

Dave and I had a wonderful time. Special thanks to Sarah for beautiful routes and Cary for organizing this wonderful outing. Thanks to Steve for the stealth sagging efforts and everyone for keeping the rooming arrangements private, after all variety is the spice of life.

We definitely need to do more of these, a regular feature. It was GREAT!

Re: MIni-Tour Report

Yes. Yes. Yes. Please do it again. I am so disappointed that I was not able to join you guys. I've been wanting to do this type of ride for so long. But my job claimed 77 hours of my life this week. I did manage to sneak in 24 miles Saturday that included Lynch hill and swim Monday and Tuesday. So this week wasn't a total loss. Glad you guys had fun. Hopefully next time I'll have fun with you :-)

Re: MIni-Tour Report

Fun trip! Thanks for putting together the route!