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Help Request

Dear MBC Friends,

While I am embarrassed to ask, if any of you are still willing/able to help my wife out with a meal or some grocery shopping, we're now at the point that we will take you up on it. I certainly don't expect that many could make it work with your schedules, but if just a few could help once each, it would make a difference. I know that most of you live way too far from our home in Brentwood, but for anyone that has spare time, or drives by Brentwood on the way to/from work, we could use some help.

Unfortunately, I had a severe allergic reaction to the antibiotic that they put me on, which caused some significant burns/blisters on my body. Add that to the broken pelvis and it looks like I'm bed-ridden for the next couple of weeks. I think we're going to bring in an in-home nurse to take some of the load off of Lisa, but she still has to handle the girls, the puppy, meals, laundry, cleaning, etc. She's my Superwoman, but she's stretched too far right now.

If you can help out, please don't post here, but contact Lisa directly at the email below, or call her at 278-6493 to arrange specific details.

Thanks. I hope all of you are well.

P.S. If anyone knows a dog whisperer out there that could help Lisa train our unruly puppy, please pass that along too. We picked the wrong time to get a puppy (or I picked the wrong time to have a crash).

Re: Help Request

Will call you.

Re: Help Request

I am going to set up a website called Take Them a Meal to help coordinate meals with the Barleson's - watch for details before the days end.

Re: Help Request use this to coordinate meals to the Bartleson's.

If you want to help but just can't get to Brentwood - call Kellee Inskeep - she has offered to deliver meals for us - 615-631-8224.

thanks Kellee!!